
Gateway Errors

While Inbenta does its best to provide a fluid user experience, we cannot completely eliminate the risk that errors might occur. There are two kinds of errors that you might encounter: errors from the APIs and errors from the Gateway. This page describes Gateway Errors.

Gateway Errors


Errors that originates from the gateway might remain cached for up to five minutes.

Code Text Description
401 Unauthorized Missing or incorrect authentication credentials.
403 Forbidden "{string} not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign)
in Authorization header: 'Bearer {string}."

This error means that the requested URL is incorrect.
403 Forbidden "User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny."

Possible causes can be:
•   The x-inbenta-key header is not correct,
•   The Authorization header is not correct, or
•   The Authorization token is expired or invalid.
500 Internal Server Error There is a problem with the server. Please contact us.
Error Messages


    "Message": "User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny"