
API Change Log


  • No changes

Released 2023.07.25

  • Fixed: When users filtered the ratings in Dashboard > Ratings > by Content by a specific content, the screen would not show any ratings. This is now fixed.

Released 2023.05.16

  • Fixed: When filtering ratings by date in Dashboard > Ratings > By Intent, some of the ratings were outside the selected date range, due to a timezone issue. This is now fixed.

Released 2023.05.03

  • In Dashboards > Ratings > Contents ranking, sorting by total number of ratings was not working correctly. This is now fixed.

Released 2023.03.07

  • In Dashboard > User Questions > Details, the filter “With Answer = No” showed the user questions that at least had one occurrence with no answer, as well as the other statistics (like "Appearances") only for these occurrences without answers. We changed this behavior: the filter will still show the user questions that had at least one appearance with no answer, but the other statistics will include the data for all user questions, including the ones that were answered.

Released 2023.02.21

  • Fixed: Sorting parameters were not validated in requests to the GET /transformations/ratings_by_content_details endpoint of the Reporting API. This is now fixed.

Released 2023.01.10

  • The Reporting API was returning an ‘invalid ID’ error message when the client Surveys API returned an AnswerNotFoundException. We updated the message to specify that the survey answer was not found.

Released 2022.12.13

  • We changed how the transformations/long_tail endpoint retrieves data from the data base to improve the performance of the long tail report in the Dashboard.

Released 2022.10.18

  • We included the aggregated attributes for conversions in the session and user question endpoints.

Released 2022.09.20

  • Fixed: The order of results in the Reporting API's response is once again correct when the no_results_count parameter is sent to the GET /aggregates/session_details endpoint.

Released 2022.08.23

  • We added the dialog_action parameter to the POST /aggregates/session_details/query endpoint to allow filtering sessions by the actions performed or not performed on specific dialogs and dialog nodes.
  • We added the option to paginate the results of the GET /transformations/node_transitions endpoint.

Released 2022.07.26

  • We added the id parameter to the GET /aggregates/session_details endpoint. It is a unique identifier for each session stored in the database.
  • We improved the efficiency of the Reporting API.
  • Fixed: We corrected the name of the endpoint GET events/surveys/{answer_id} to GET  events/surveys_answer/{answer_id}.

Released 2022.07.12

  • The Reporting API now returns Survey data in its endpoints. For more information, see the Reporting API Routes documentation.

  • We added a user_info field to the Reporting API transformations/ratings_by_content_details and transformations/ratings_by_matching_details endpoints.

Released 2022.06.28

  • We updated the aggributes/event_sources endpoint to return the new properties “hidden” and “source_group” for each event source. We also provided a new aggributes/event_sources_groups endpoint that returns the full list of event source groups.

Released 2022.05.17

  • New feature:  We added the endpoint /transformations/long_tail to gather long-tail user questions and their related information.

Released 2022.05.03

  • New feature:  We added the endpoint /transformations/billing to gather the metrics that Inbenta uses to calculate Inbenta solutions' cost.

Released 2022.01.25

  • New feature: We added new endpoints to obtain the rating types and values: /aggributes/rating_types and /aggributes/ratings.

Released 2021.09.07

  • Fixed: The aggregates/appearances_and_clicks_by_uq endpoint was not returning results whose num_appearances_with_click_x_appearance value was a number between 0.5 and 1. It is fixed now.

Released 2021.08.10

  • Fixed: We fixed the total count on aggregates/appearances_and_clicks_by_uq when using the groupby setting.
  • Fixed: We fixed the env parameter in the response for some aggregates that were returning internal database values instead of the descriptive names "development", "preproduction" or "production". Now, the descriptive names are returned.
  • A new filter is available for the field "num_appearances_with_click_x_appearances" when the /aggregates/appearances_and_clicks_by_uq endpoint is called. This filter accepts values between 0 and 1.

Released 2021.07.27

  • Added: The clicks to push contents (num_clicks_push) were included to the aggregates/total_clicks_by_content_id endpoint.

Released 2021.03.09

  • Added: The clicks to push contents were included to the /aggregates/total_clicks_by_type endpoint.

Released 2020.07.22

  • Fixed: In the API routes, the explanation of the date format for aggregates was incorrect, which caused confusion. This is now fixed.

Released 2020.03.04

  • Added: You can now send multiple session ids at once as an aggregate filter.

Released 2019.10.30

  • Added: We added the possibility to create grouping in aggregates. This allows you to get data grouped by day, month or year. When data is grouped, all metrics for each aggregate will come as a total in the response by default. Average, min and max values can also be obtained by using the template "_". (e.g. if there is a metric named "num_sessions", you can ask for "total_num_sessions" as well as "average_num_sessions".

Released 2019.10.16

  • Added: You can now use null values as filters on all fields, even if they allow multiple values.

Released 2019.10.02

  • Improved API Routes and API definitions in the Developers Portal. API Routes now clearly define properties for raw events and the API Definitions was cleaned up to remove redundant information and show only relevant entities for developers.
  • Fixed: A bug was found where, when a property of an aggregate did not have any values, an array with a null value was returned. This is now fixed.

Released 2019.09.18

  • Added: We added a "no_results_count" metric to the "session_details" aggregate. It counts how many events in a particular session contained the "NO_RESULTS" data key. This new metric is not returned by default: To start using it, you must add it to the "properties" filter.

Released 2019.05.26

  • Added: Aggregates endpoints. These endpoints give you access to aggregated data. The metadata endpoint gives you information about what aggregates are available at a given time. This first version introduces the aggregate "session_details" that groups sessions together based on their session_id. For more information, see Reporting API Routes.

Released 2019.05.15

  • Added: Aggributes endpoints. Aggributes are attribute collections that help you build your aggregates and enrich your tracking data. The API has now two endpoints to retrieve them, /aggributes to see which ones are available and /aggributes/{key} to get all the values for a specific one. For more information, see Reporting API Routes.

Released 2019.04.03

  • First release.