
Webhook upon saving


You can configure your Inbenta Chat module to send a POST request to an external service every time an intent is published to “Editing”. Intents can be published to “Editing” using the Editor API or the Intent Editor in a Chat instance.

A possible use case for using a webhook with the Editor API is to have the webhook trigger an automatic translation of intents whenever they are published to “Editing”.

Imagine you want to automatically call an external API to machine translate intents as soon as they are saved. To that end, you can configure a webhook to automatically send a POST request to the appropriate API endpoint every time an intent is published to the Intent Base. The request payload will contain the intent attributes defined in the saved intent.

You configure this type of webhook in the Settings > General Settings screen of your Chat module. For more information on this configuration, see the relevant documentation in the Help Center.


Each time a content is published to “Editing”, Inbenta Chat will send a POST request to the target URL configured in Settings > General Settings. Such POST requests always have the following payload structure (with application/json encoding):

     "action": string ["add", "edit"],
     "date": timestamp, 
     "content": { 
         "id": integer, 
         "title": string, 
         "userTypes": {
             "Default": { 
                 attributeName: attributeValue // string or array if multiple 
             userTypeName: { 
                 attributeName: attributeValue 
         "categories": { 
             categoryId: categoryName 
    "currentContent": { 
       "id": integer, 
       "status": integer [1, 2], 
       "title": string, 
       "categories": [integer], 
       "userTypes": [ 
               "id": integer, 
               "name": string, 
               "active": boolean, 
               "attributes": [ 
                        "id": integer, 
                        "name": string, 
                        "objects": [ 
                                "id": integer, 
                                "value": string, 
                                "creationDate": date //in ISO format 
                                "createdBy": string, 
                                "modificationDate": date //in ISO format, 
                                "modifiedBy": string, 
                                "useDefault": boolean, 
                                "notShown": boolean, 
               "publicationDate": date // in ISO format, 
               "expirationDate": date // in ISO format 
       "useForPopular": boolean, 
       "creationDate": date,// in ISO format 
       "createdBy": string, 
       "modificationDate": date, // in ISO format 
       "modifiedBy": string, 
    "previousContent": [], // same format as currentContent. Empty when content is new 