
Editor API Change log


  • No changes

Released 2024.07.23

  • We added an optional status parameter to the GET /contents endpoint of the Knowledge Editor API. The value for that parameter should be a string (“active“ or “inactive“).

Released 2024.03.19

  • The Knowledge Editor API allowed you to edit the externalId field for contents. This is no longer possible. The externalId field's purpose is to link a related instance's content to the main instance's content when the latter is created. Its value should therefore never be modified.

Released 2023.11.02

  • As part of a common effort to improve the security and performance of Inbenta products, we have upgraded the technology behind the Knowledge Editor API.

Released 2023.06.13

Released 2023.02.07

  • New Feature: We introduced a new tool to manage content versions in Knowledge. Every time you save a content, a new version is created. The "create content" action also allows you to add a name and description for the created version.

Released 2022.10.18

  • We improved the error messages returned by the Attributes endpoints.
  • We modified the user data returned by Contents endpoints. Instead of user IDs, these endpoints now return users' names and email addresses.

Released 2022.10.04

  • Feature: We added an option to retrieve the publication status of contents when requesting them via Knowledge Editor API.

Released 2022.09.06

  • We added the GET /contents/external/{externalId} endpoint to retrieve contents from related instances based on their content ID in the primary instance.
  • We added the DELETE /contents/{contentId} endpoint to delete contents.

Released 2022.08.23

  • We added endpoints to add and retrieve attributes and attribute groups.

Released 2022.08.09

  • Fixed: The Knowledge Editor API was validating wrong content titles in requests sent to the PATCH /contents/{contentId} endpoint. This is now fixed, so users can edit content titles using the Knowledge Editor API, applying the same rules as they would using the Content Editor.

Released 2022.05.03

  • We added the relatedContents parameter to the POST /contents and PATCH /contents/{id} endpoints in the Knowledge Editor API to include related contents upon updating an existing content.

Released 2022.04.05

  • We updated the GET /contents endpoint of the Knowledge API so that it includes the fields createdByName, createdByEmail, updatedByName and updatedByEmail.

Released 2022.02.22

  • New Feature: We added the new endpoint POST /drafts that allows users to create content drafts.

Released 2021.09.07

  • New Feature: New endpoint POST /publication that allows to publish programmatically an instance to Test and/or Production.

Released 2021.08.10

  • We included new headers to the Knowledge Editor API to increase security.

Released 2020.12.09

  • The Editor API now double-checks the JWT signatures used in requests to prevent possible security vulnerabilities.

Released 2020.10.28

  • Fixed: We fixed the OPTIONS HTTP request so that the "try out" feature in the Developers Portal works.

Released 2020.08.19

  • Fixed: A bug was found in the Knowledge Editor API, where related contents were not always retrieved as expected. This is now fixed.

Released 2020.03.18

  • Added pagination in the GET /contents endpoint. It now returns the length, offset and total number of contents within a pagination object.

Released 2020.03.04

  • New: The PATCH /contents/{contentId} endpoint allows to update objects in all attributes and user types.
  • New: The POST /contents and PATCH /contents/{contentId} endpoints allow to modify publication and expiration dates per any user type
  • New: All endpoints that return contents retrieve publication and expiration dates per each user type

Released 2020.02.05

  • Added: There is a new endpoint called POST /contents/{contentId}/relatedContents. This endpoint allows to relate contents programmatically.
  • Added: There is a new endpoint called DELETE /contents/{contentId}/relatedContents. This endpoint allows to remove relations between contents programmatically.
  • Fixed: The proper error format is now used when the payload in the request or the response exceeds the maximum.

Version 1.0.0 (2020.01.22)

  • First release