Use this component to show categories. The SDK returns categories, subcategories and the contents stored in those (sub)categories in the order configured in the Knowledge instance's Knowledge Base > Categories screen.
How to create this component.
sdk.component('categories', target:String, options:Object);
By default, this component looks like this:
This is the HTML component. For example, the "#inbenta" target is:
<div id="inbenta"></div>
Available options to set in this component
Name | Type | Default | Description |
categorySlug | String | null |
Slug of the category to show at the beginning of the URL. |
categoryId | integer | 0 | Id of the category to show at the beginning of the URL. IMPORTANT: not effective if categorySlug is set. |
length | integer | 5 | Maximum number of contents that may be returned in collection. Minimum:1. Max:100 |
categoriesGroupLength | integer | 5 | Number of categories grouped in a div (for design) |
loadCategoryOnClick | boolean | true |
When a category is clicked, load it in the component |
openUniqueContent | boolean | false |
When a category with only one content is clicked, the content opens and a click is tracked. |
Default options object
categoryId: 0,
length: 5,
categoriesGroupLength: 5,
loadCategoryOnClick: true,
contents: { <more info in subcomponent> }
Methods can be used in this component.
Name | Description |
setCategory(category: integer) |
Set the current category |
setCategoryBySlug(category: integer) |
Set the current category |
linkToCategoriesSidebar(component: Component) |
Link a Categories sidebar component to this categories component |
linkToCategoriesBreadCrumb(component: Component) |
Link a Categories breadcrumb component to this categories component |
setContentsDataInterceptor(interceptor:function) |
Set a contents interceptor. |
setRelatedDataInterceptor(interceptor:function) |
Set a related interceptor. |
setCategoriesDataInterceptor(interceptor:function) |
Set a categories interceptor. |
This component has some components inside which can be configured. This components are:
Name | Description |
contents | Component to render each content |
Events to listen on this component.
Name | Params | Description |
click | category : Category object |
Sent whether a category is clicked |
contentClick | content : Content object |
Sent whether a content is clicked |
relatedClick | integer : Related content id |
Sent whether a related content is clicked |
decisionTreeClick | decisionTree : Decision tree object |
Sent whether a decision tree content is clicked |
rateContent | rating : Rating object |
Sent whether a rating is clicked |
This component calls the API endpoint /tracking/events
to register a click event when a user clicks on a content.
Labels of this component. The default labels of each component can be rewritten in the SDK creation configuration.
Name | Default | Description |
HTML for categories title |
The name of the button that users can click to go back to the main search page after having clicked a category |
First example: Create sidebar and categories components and link them.
var categoriesSidebar = sdk.component('categoriesSidebar', '#sidebar');
var categoriesBreadcrumb = sdk.component('categoriesBreadcrumb', '#breadcrumb');
var categories = sdk.component('categories', '#categories');
Second example: Create a categories component and set category 1 as the initial category.
var categories = sdk.component('categories', '#categories');