


This component shows push contents. If there are not enough contents to fill the section, it retrieves popular contents to complete it.


How to create this component.

sdk.component('pushpopular', target:String, options:Object);


By default, this component looks like this:


This is the HTML component. For example, the "#inbenta" target is:

<div id="inbenta"></div>


Available options to set in this component

Name Type Default Description
categoryId integer 0 Knowledge instance category Id
length integer 5 Maximum number of items that may be returned in collection. Minimum:1. Max:100
interval string allTime Time interval to retrieve popular contents. Possible values: allTime, lastWeek and lastDay.

Default options object

  categoryID: 0,
  length: 5,
  interval: 'allTime',
  contents: { <more info in subcomponent> }


Methods can be used in this component.

Name Description
setContentsDataInterceptor(interceptor:function) Set a contents interceptor.
setRelatedDataInterceptor(interceptor:function) Set a related interceptor.


This component has some components inside which can be configured. This components are:

Name Description
contents Component to render each content


Events to listen on this component:

Name Params Description
click content: Content object Sent whether a content is clicked
expand content: Content object Sent whether a content is expanded
relatedClick integer: Related content id Sent whether a related content is clicked
decisionTreeClick decisionTree: Decision tree object Sent whether a decision tree content is clicked
rateContent rating: Rating object Sent whether a content rating is clicked


This component calls the API endpoint /tracking/events to register a click event when a user clicks on a content.


Labels of this component. The default labels of each component can be rewritten in the SDK creation configuration.

Name Default Description
PUSHPOPULAR_TITLE Maybe you are interested in: HTML for pushpopular title
PUSHPOPULAR_TEXT* Interesting contents HTML for pushpopular text. Hidden by CSS.


Create push&popular component with related contents.

sdk.component('pushpopular', '#popular', {
    contents: {
        showRelated: true