


Use this method to search results related to a question:, options:Object).then(function(response){

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
query string or array of strings Question(s) to be responded with contents in the Knowledge Base.


Name Type Default Description
categoryId string 0 Category identifier from the Knowledge instance's Knowledge Base. Category id 0 is reserved for the root. This parameter allows a string with the categories separated by commas. Example: 1,4,5 will search in the categories 1, 4 and 5.
length integer 5 Maximum number of items that may be returned in collection. Minimum:1. Max:100
splitQuery boolean 0 If splitQuery is 1, the query is always split. If splitQuery is 0, the query is managed as usual.
type string search Allow to track the search event using a specific log type. Accepted values are search, contact and instant.

Response data format

This method calls the Knowledge API’s POST /search endpoint. Please refer to the Responses section of that endpoint on the Knowledge API Routes page for the response format.


  1. Get maximum 10 contents matching the query 'movies'.

    // Only query string'movies').then(function(response){ {
             console.log(`Result(${}): ${result.title}`);
  2. Get maximum 20 contents matching the query 'star wars' belonging to category 10.

    // With parameters'star wars', {
        categoryId: '10'
        length: 20
    }).then(function(response){ {
            console.log(`Result(${}): ${result.title}`);