
Refinement Tabs


This component displays a set of tabs that allows the user to refine the results over one specific topic.

This component must be linked to a search Store, since it retrieves the values of the last search filtering from it.


This is how you create this component:

sdk.component('refinement-tabs', target: HTMLElement|String, options: Object);


By default, this component looks like this:


The following options can be set in this component:

Name Type Default Description
attributeName String The attribute name to refine on
nullFacetString String '' The label of the null value refinement. Does not show if empty.
showFacetCount Boolean true Show number of result next to the tab name
tabs Array [] Tabs to always show. If empty, all of the possible values are rendered as tabs.
tabs.*.facetValue String The value of the facet that the tab triggers. You can use the value _all to set the order in which the tab "All" will appear (first by default).
tabs.*.html String {{ }} The HTML that the tab renders.
You can use the following templates to render the label:
  • {{ }}: name of the facet.
  • {{ facet.count }}: number of results.
  • {{ facet.isRefined }}: Whether the facet is refined.
transformData Function (object) => object Function to transform the object passed to the view
sortBy Array ['forced:asc', 'name:asc'] The sorting strategy for the refinement values. Available values are 'forced:desc', 'forced:desc', 'count:asc', 'count:desc', 'isRefined:asc', 'isRefined:desc', 'name:asc', 'name:desc', 'isAll:asc' and 'isAll:desc'.
templates Object The templates to override the default render behavior for all tabs except the "All" tab. See further information about templates here.
templates.item String | (Object) => String Item template, provided with:
  • count: The total number of results that contain the facet.
  • name: The name of the facet.
  • isRefined: Whether the facet is refined.
  • forced: Whether the tab is forced by the user using the tabs prop.

Tab order options

  • forced: Whether the tab is forced by the user using the tabs prop.
  • name: The attribute name.
  • count: The number of results for the attribute.
  • isRefined: Whether the tab is selected.
  • isAll: Whether the tab is the "All" tab.


This component does a new search when selecting a new tab, using the endpoint POST /federated-searches. This search is bound to the current session.


This component uses the following labels:

Name Default Description
REFINEMENT_TABS_ALL_TAB All The text for the all button tab


Example using results component Store through method linkTo
<div id="tabs"></div>
<div id="results"></div>

  var results = sdk.component('results', '#results');
  var tabs = sdk.component('refinement-tabs', '#tabs', {
    attributeName: 'Product Type'
Example using item template
<div id="tabs"></div>
<div id="results"></div>

  var results = sdk.component('results', '#results');
  var tabs = sdk.component('refinement-tabs', '#tabs', {
    attributeName: 'Product Type',
    templates: {
      item: '<span>{{ name }} ({{ count }})</span>'
Example using tabs with "Abacus" and All tabs.
<div id="tabs"></div>
<div id="results"></div>

  var results = sdk.component('results', '#results');
  var tabs = sdk.component('refinement-tabs', '#tabs', {
    attributeName: 'Product Type',
    tabs: [            
      { facetValue: 'Abacus'}, 
      { facetValue: '_all'}, 